Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Imran Khan

There are times when I am not entirely sure that it's a good thing to be so out there on my opposition to drone attacks. But at least I'm just an ordinary private citizen. Might be more difficult if you were a high level official who actually has some impact.  The news at Just Foreign Policy is that it might be quite different if you were a popular Pakistani politician, as Imran Khan, who the Guardian reports is on the Prime Minister fast track, was detained at the Canadian border while on his way to a U.S. fundraiser. He missed the fundraiser, but didn't miss out on doing some tweets about his experience.

Advice to drone prone Administration--don't underestimate the power of Twitter... 

Check out that Guardian post. It packs in a lot of information.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Israel shoots down drone

If I had time, I could probably post a new entry here every day. This entry comes from Slate. Apparently, today (Saturday), Israel shot down an unidentified drone that had strayed into their airspace. No one really knows who sent it yet, though Israel seems to think it was an Iranian drone sent in by Hezbollah. Read more about it HERE.  

Monday, October 1, 2012

Just Foreign Policy

Well, I can't leave up a positive drone post for too long, so I'll put up this LINK to a Just Foreign Policy post about why the drone strike policy will fail. An easy to read point by point analysis.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that there is a Petition you can sign against the drone strike policy in Pakistan. Or go HERE if you just want to cut to the chase and sign it.