There are times when I am not entirely sure that it's a good thing to be so out there on my opposition to drone attacks. But at least I'm just an ordinary private citizen. Might be more difficult if you were a high level official who actually has some impact.
The news at Just Foreign Policy is that it might be quite different if you were a popular Pakistani politician, as Imran Khan, who the Guardian reports is on the Prime Minister fast track, was detained at the Canadian border while on his way to a U.S. fundraiser. He missed the fundraiser, but didn't miss out on doing some tweets about his experience.
Advice to drone prone Administration--don't underestimate the power of Twitter...
Check out that Guardian post. It packs in a lot of information.
Advice to drone prone Administration--don't underestimate the power of Twitter...
Check out that Guardian post. It packs in a lot of information.