Sunday, September 30, 2012

Drones, the positive side

I actually have a backlog of negative drone reportage, but every once in awhile I suppose it's a good idea to mention some good things that can be done with them. In any case, here's an article from the Huffinton Post about some Swiss filmmakers who are using drones to photograph a world class climber tackling Pakistan's Karakoram, "one of the world's most demanding and forbidding mountain ranges".

Monday, September 17, 2012

birdlike drone, and more

Danger Room has come up with yet another drone post, this time about a gull-like drone that crashed in Pakistan but apparently flew even earlier into Iraq. Even Danger Room doesn't have all the answers on this one--though they certainly have a bit more than I do.

Not to connect too many dots that I'm probably not qualified to connect, but earlier this week I was hearing on the Rachel Maddow show that the brutal attack on the Benghazi consulate that killed an ambassador and three others may have been in retaliation for the assassination of an an al-Quaeda leader, Abu Yahya al-Libi. How is al-Libi thought to have died? By a drone attack.

I'm not saying that killing Ambassador Stevens was just or right. I'm just saying that if a drone was behind that death, the provocation it subsequently causes is not exactly incomprehensible.